Sabtu, 09 April 2022

Cannabis Use In The UK


Cannabis (known buy other names around the world) refers to the buds, leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which are usually dried and smoked. It is available either as resin (a solid block) which needs to be heated in order to be smoked.

Cannabis is referred to by many different names, including hash, skunk and weed. Names tend to vary from place to place. An important tip for people who know or work with users is that it tends to be best to just call a drug by its name, and not to try to use or pre-empt terms that people themselves might use (although finding out through discussion what they do call it can be useful).

As well as the potential for losing credibility (particularly with young people), attempting to use the same terms as clients can lead to confusion as to what drug you are talking about - for example, some people may call the resin form of cannabis "brown", but for others this is a term for heroin.


Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in the UK. The British Crime Survey reports that in 2010/11, 6.8% of adults aged 16 to 59 (around 2.2 million people) used it.

Method of Use

Cannabis is usually smoked in spliffs or joints (with tobacco) or on its own in bongs or buckets, which are popular with heavy cannabis smokers. A spliff or joint is essentially a cigarette paper with tobacco in it. The cannabis is crumbled into that mixture (if the cannabis is a block of resin, it has to be heated to soften it so that it can be crumbled). The joint is then rolled and then smoked. Bongs are water pipes, and buckets are a more rudimentary version, and people often smoke pure cannabis (without tobacco) if they're smoking it in a bong or bucket.


Cannabis produces a rapid high that lasts a few hours. The effects of cannabis are partially dependant on the user; some users become happy, relaxed and giggly, whilst others report anxiety, paranoia and lethargy. It is unclear why, but effects can vary drastically not only between people but on the same person at different times.

Some of the dangers of smoking cannabis particularly relate to mixing it with tobacco. Because tobacco is a carcinogenic substance it can cause cancer - that's one of the serious risks that people put themselves in if they smoke with tobacco.

There is also some suggestion of links to mental health problems although the evidence is unclear as to how strong this link is. The general advice is that if a person has either a personal history or a family history of mental illness then they are an increased risk of prompting or worsening their own mental health problems if they smoke cannabis. We are now also aware that psychological dependence on cannabis can occur after prolonged and repeated use, and that this becomes more likely the earlier someone starts regularly using.


Herbal cannabis is more expensive than resin. Both are usually sold in divisions of an ounce. 1/16th of an ounce (or a 'teenth') costs around 6 - 10, 1/8th (or an 'eighth') costs around 12 - 20.

Signs and Symptoms

Signs include bloodshot eyes, lethargy, and increased appetite.

Legal Status

Cannabis was reclassified from Class C to Class B in January 2009. Anyone found possessing cannabis can be issued a warning (usually for first-time offenders), issued a penalty notice with an on-the-spot fine, or arrested. Specifically in relation to young people, a minor who is arrested for possession of cannabis will usually be given a reprimand for a first offence, and a final warning for a second. Records of these will be retained on the Police National Computer for five years, or until the young offender is eighteen years old (whichever is longer). These records are not the same as a criminal record, but may have to be declared in certain circumstances. If a young person is arrested for possession of cannabis, but has been given a reprimand and final warning on previous occasions, they will be formally charged with an offence and will be prosecuted.

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